May 6, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week & Mother’s Day gift idea

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November 30, 2010

I love picasa!


November 23, 2010

How to make a LONG scallop envelope

Comparison: original size (right) Elongated size (left)

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November 23, 2010

Gift Sets

November 21, 2010

Animal bookmarks

November 21, 2010

Stampin Marker Tips

Just want to share with you how to use Stampin Markers~!
Stamp your image onto your ink pad (preferably a light color), then accent a  few sections with various markers~!
Marker qualities DO matter! Check these markers out at StampinUp’s clearance section!!! 

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August 31, 2010

Desktop mini organizer (boxes)

 Now that we’re thinking school – here is a simple little gift idea for your child’s teacher. I used Stampin up’s Petal Card Die — love the versatility of this die & the Big Shot machine (it yields nice, crisp cuts ~ perfect everytime!)

First you’ll need to cut 4 petal card dies using the Big Shot Machine,







Fold them this way with only one flap showing the other side of paper

glue them up side by side (in the past I used to cut out the extra flaps,
but I find it better to keep them and glue them on the outside to reinforce the sides – this makes a sturdier box)

I like to glue the flaps all nice and clean and embellish the front
with a button or a punched out scallops, fastened with a silver brad.

Here is a finished desktop organizer!

Fill them up with little office goodies and you’re good to go
with a simple little gift for your child’s teacher!

Have a great First Week of School!

August 31, 2010

Back to School

My kids are finally starting school! And honestly, I am sad to let them go!
I think in the past, when my kids were younger, I rejoiced for their departure because it meant “freedom” for me! 🙂 As my kids grow older, however, I realize how fast time flies, and I just have to cherish every moment spent with them.  I’ll miss them so much while they’re in school good half of a day 😦  Although I don’t have the confidence to homeschool my kids, now I can see why some parents choose to go that route.
 I made these cards to put in their lunchboxes the first day of school.
Since both of them can read now, I can write much more elaborate love notes 🙂
Tags, tags, tags..
Always gives me a piece of mind to know that my kids’ stuff have their names on them 🙂 I used my laminating machine (purchased from costco for $19) to preserve these tags. I also used Stampin Up’s digital image “Write Stuff” — 
this digital kit is my ultimate favorite!  I end up using it all the time!!!  To download this digikit, you can go here!
  “Write stuff digital kit” can be downloaded here.